AIDGC Student Members


AIDGC offers students membership benefits at reduced rates.

Benefits include:

    • Your details will be listed on the AIDGC website’s list of Student Members.
    • You will receive an AIDGC Student Membership Certificate.
    • You will receive the What’s Happening Newsletter monthly.
    • You will receive the HAZMAT notes quarterly.
    • You will receive relevant industry correspondence.
    • You will receive information about the upcoming Annual Conference, Workshops, and Seminars.

Student Membership of the AIDGC is open to:

    • Persons enrolled in a full-time course at University or TAFE.
    • Provide evidence of enrolment on application and whenever membership renewals are due.
    • AIDGC is providing membership to students at a reduced price of $50 or $280 with the conference.

Process to become an AIDGC Student Member

    • To become a student member, you will need to complete the application form below.
    • Pay the appropriate membership fee.
    • Provide evidence of enrollment.
    • The AIDGC Board meets on the third Monday of each month and reviews all paid registrations and evidence.
    • Once approved, you will be notified of your Student Membership and emailed your AIDGC student membership certificate.

How to become a Student Member:


PO Box 461 Crows Nest NSW 1585

1300 205 518

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